Thursday, 15 December 2016

WORK DIARY - landscape

How I made these images -
To photograph these images, i used a high f/stop so that everything was in focus, and then i simply located the camera in various locations to get the desired look i wanted. Due to the lowlight after the storm it gave an eerie and creepy feel to every photo which i loved. The harsh contrast between the soft white of the clouds and the dark clouds created an amazing look and great feel to the photo. I used a tripod to achieve these images along with a fuji-film camera.

Critical Evaluation -

I chose both of these images as they are my least favourite of the five images. The lighting and framing was not as good as the other images.

I believe the images are too dark and the shadowing really brought the images down, I believe image two is heavily shadowed due to the location and time of day which caused the image not to look as good as it could've at a different time of day.

Although these photos aren't terrible, they do look slightly unprofessional due to the harsh shadows and contrasts- that do not run smoothly.

Image one is one of my favourite images taken in harlow. To take this image i manipulated it with photoshop with the 'curves' took to make the building look a lot darker and make the sky stand out a lot more. I intensified the contrast and the shading. I used a tripod from a low angle.. 

Image two is taken also in harlow, i used the 'burn' tool to manipulate the shadows here and this enabled the blue sky to stand out a lot more which i thought liked beautiful. I also intensified the contrast with image two like in image one.

Lastly, image three was taken in the same location as the previous images. To get this image i used a higher f/stop than the other two. In photoshop i only used the brightness tool and declined the brightness. I didn't emphasise it like images 1-4 because i wanted a more 'sundown' look which i think i achieved. By the colours of the clouds heavily contrasting with each other it enables the image to look almost 3D as if it were to be moving. I really like this image due to all the different components created.

1 comment:

  1. Very good Shannon, you have made great progress, there are a few things that you can do to improve the outcomes and that is (1) make them slightly lighter using Photoshop (2) have a progression paragraph where you are able to discuss what you would do to improve your photographic work and (3) review your grammar there are a few lower case "i"'s
